Sunday, October 26, 2008

Proposition 8 in Santa Clarita

For those of you not in Cali right now...Someone in out stake lately has been going out our local street corners and interviewing people on both sides of Prop 8. This video is mostly "yes" but there are still "no" and more "yes" videos to come from him. My mom is interviewed in this video and most of the people that are are from our stake or wards. Yesterday, a bunch of friends and I went wave signs for "Yes on 8" on one of our corners. Though most of the responses we got were thumbs ups and honks, we did get a few things that I will never say, like Charlotte said in her email. People came up to us to argue and make rude comments and I was very suprised with the way we all took it (myself definitely included), smile and wave. Overall, yesterday was a great experience, despite all the negative things said or directed towards us. I felt like I was doing what's right and it made me happy that I was able to help make a difference...Zoe and Abby have even been waving! Oh yeah! Abby is in this video to, next to my mom and at the end in pictures. All of my friends and I were interviewded in a video that should be up in the next couple of days so I'll let you know when it is. Here's some of what's been going on around here...


Kathy Clark said...

I have to say I was a little hesitant at first to be involved in the sign holding but I'm so glad I had the opportuninty yesterday to do it. The experience was incredible and really gave me a feeling of empowerment and being able to stand up for something I believe in! I hope to do more in the next few days!

Lauren Call Green said...

Good for you guys!! What the world needs is more people like you who are willing to stand up for what they believe!! Hey, will you send me your email address? I set my blog to "invites only" so I want to make sure your on the list. My email's Thanks!!

Sara said...

Thanks for all your hard work. You will be blessed for your efforts and we all appreciate it!